Bake normal map from (only) a high poly model

I have a high poly model of witch and I can reduce it’s polys using the decimate modifier. The thing is that I want to bake a normal map but the process of baking normal maps (as I’ve seen in the tutorials) involves the use of multires. Is it possible to bake the normal in the above situation somehow?

Thanks in advance.

Yes, that can be done using the new ‘Selected to Active’ feature in 2.46. You’ll need two separate models, the highpoly and the lowpoly, and then use the techniques described on this page:

Make a copy of your Model. Reduce the polies on that copy. Make sure both models stay at the same position. Select the High poly model Shift-Select the Low poly model and then in the Render Bake (in 2.46) turn on the “Selected to Active” button. This is explained a little better here:

that did it and the results are very good. thanks!