make object invisible how? game engine.

ok i have this block it is what i use to move i have a model inside that has armatures which is parented to the block and it moves pretty well.

one problem i need a way to make the block completely invisible or transparent if you will please reply on how .

Well, if you want your object to be COMPLETELY invisible with absolutely no trace of it, there should be a visibility actuator in the logic blocks. (This is at least in the version I use, 2.48a, I don’t know which version you’re using)

Just set the logic blocks as: invisibility power-up/button->visibility actuator.

As for fiddling with the materials…I think you can do that with key frames, but I have yet to try. Can someone else back me up on this method?

Yea in materials, bring the Alpha to the value of 0, and click Z Transparency. Thats what I do.

If you open up the “outliner” view in a window, disable the “renderability” icon next to the name of the object. This will make the object invisible during the game. No need for a logic brick:

worked thank you

Use the visibility actuator if you don’t need collision for the object, use ztrasp and 0 alpha if you need collision.

Hey!, a block is good, but better you should use an Empty, has all mentioned step in one click

what do you meen how does a empty work ?

Excuseme, the block is for collisions?
forget that empty, just try to and Bound Sphere and compound and voila… then set the sphere collision radius,