Making a face once again...

Well I have tried many times before to model a face but most of my attempts were total failures…

Well here is my new try…

What do you think??
Please post your comments and critics…


any comments??

Best to try different face tutorials. Your wire lacks flows.

Well, it’s not bad if you don’t show the mesh ;). I’m more comefortable with box modeling but if I can point you out where your mesh is giving you away… look at the mouth. The muscles around the mouth area is supposed to be wrapped like a first-aid band above and below the lips. Your’s is interpreted around the mouth in straight lines - not good. Most of the model’s typology should give a rough indication of the musle underneath… very important especially when animating facial features.

You might be saying “but I’m not animating this!” but it’s a good habit to start modeling the correct way early on.

Personally I think it’s not bad but just approached the wrong way. Check out some anatomy books and compare them with the typologies of already build models, to get a ‘feeling’ of how to go about.

Hope this helps.

make all head. Looks good

It seems we have lots of common characteristics.

I am Greek as well.

I use UBUNTU as well.

I am doing programming as well (jython, Java and python)

I am making 3d as well for quite some time now but I am new to Blender.

You model is quite good but you have to provide more images from different angles to be certain.

I visited your gallery in your website , I LOVE the Mine Image, amazing! keep up the good work.

Very good form, but a tip when you’re making faces from photo reference: the photo, however long the distance is, will never be totally orthographic so when you get around to modelling the skull, in order to get a closer approximation of the head, you need to widen the skull a little more, the further back it gets.

As for the rest of it I’ll go with everyone else and say that if nothing else, the wireframe around your mouth needs a little more flow, for animation and for detail. Something where the lines of the mesh more trace the countours of the face, so everything can show up clearly without using too many polygons. Something sort of like this, where the lips have their own shape in the face, and the muscles around them are defined for animation. Even if the model is very smooth (a child or woman’s face, for instance) the moment an expression appears on the face, all the muscles will spring out. :stuck_out_tongue: It’s quite a spectacle watching someone make a face in slow motion, that’s why so many CG faces don’t look quite real—there’s usually no-where near enough information on how all the little muscles move.


face.blend (139 KB)