Compiled exe not working - missing wrap_oal.dll

Hey guys, I’m trying to use blender 2.49 to compile standalone game on windows xp, and when I go to run it I get a “This application has failed to start because wrap_oal.dll was not found.” Error.

Anyone run into this? I can’t seem to find a resolution.

I have no idea what wrap_oal.dll does, but have you tried putting it in the same directory as your .exe?

wrap_oal.dll is for OpenAL. You’ll find the dll in your Blender directory. Just copy it from there and put it in the same directory as your exe. It should work then, unless you’re missing more dlls.

Ah, thanks, that solved it :slight_smile:

Had same problem: had to copy vcomp90.dll, too. THX!


You can go to this site “fix-all-dll-errors dot com”
This will solve your dll file problem.Worked in my case. :slight_smile: