Can't select individual objects in Ubuntu...

Hi guys

I am having a problem with Blender in Ubuntu 8.10

For some reason, I can’t select individual objects, when in Object Mode.

I can select everything (objects, camera, lights, etc) by hitting A on the keyboard, but there is no way I can select any single object. This is not a problem on my Windows XP version.

Also, related to this, I can not seem to select the X Y Z arrows (Red, Green and Blue arrows on an object).

Anyone know what this problem is? It means that Blender is pretty much useless for me on Ubuntu, which is a shame, as I really want to migrate over to Linux.


Has nobody else experienced this issue before? Really need some help here!

mouse buttons reversed?

Tried clicking with both mouse buttons, obviously. Would this in any way be a result of a conflicting GFX card?

right mouse button(RMB) to choose object
shift + RMB to choose multi objects

you can take a lot at preference (pull down the file,add… menu)
I am using Linux Mint 8 (modified Ubuntu 9.10)
if you want you can try this linux, it is somewhat better than ubuntu. (and hope it support your gfx card ^^)

I am not asking how to select a single object; I am fully aware of this fact.

My issue is that it doesn’t work in Ubuntu. It is a bug.

Has anyone else had this issue?

It’s not a bug, it has to a problem with your system somehow… rmb works to select an object on my ubuntu 8.04 box and iirc the Durian team are using ubuntu 9.04 (and I am pretty sure that it’s working ok for them :wink: ) Also, you do not “select” the manipulator widgets, you lmb to grab them


Seems that a nice little reboot completely fixed the issue.

This was a fresh install of Ubuntu after an upgrade, so I must have activated the ATI drivers and not rebooted to fully get them running.

Moral of the story; reboot after upgrades!

Thanks for all your replies anyhow.

Glad it is working now!

glad to hear it worked for you! just fyi, you shouldn’t need to reboot when installing video drivers, just reset your X (ctrl-alt-backspace, if you have it configured that way). very rarely does a linux box really need to be rebooted: only when you install a new kernel or when you need to do maintenance on hardware… :slight_smile:

i use 9.10 now, but have used blender with pretty much every (k)ubuntu since 8.04.

Thanks for the info.

Good to learn new stuff. I will see how this all works when I install anything new.

Really liking Linux now. Takes a bot of getting used to, and there is a lot to learn compared to Windows, but the potential to tweak stuff is seemingly endless.

Great stuff.