Blender game engine in Android


I was wondering if it’s possible to make games for android phones in the Blender game engine… what does it take?

also I know it’s been brought up like a billion times but what’s an iPhone app take?

I believe both would require OpenGL ES support, which the BGE does not currently have. Someone knowledgeable in OpenGL and OpenGL ES would need to port the rendering portions of the BGE. On another note, GameKit can be used to create games on both platforms.

Bit of a bump but… Something that would be close to what you are looking for is SIO2, you can create your entire scene using Blender and use an exporter to convert it into the .sio2 format which can then be loaded on Android. For more info checkout

Why all these people don’t support Linux?..

The Blender Player is being ported to android as part of GSOC.

This thread is also being ported to 2012 by rampant grave digging.

Mike4Linux: Unless you are the OP posting some relevant update, please don’t post in threads that are older than the first few pages.