ffmpeg h264 output

i need to generate h264 quicktimes out of Blender’s VSE (Linux). The problem is that these movs don’t play in Quicktime on MAC and WIN (movie Ispector confirms h264, but video is black… vlc plays them normally).
I tried 2.49, several 2.5 betas and just built from svn with system ffmpeg… all the same.
If i convert a video from commandline ffmpeg it works as it should (playable with quicktime).
This is my test command:
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } ffmpeg -y -i INPUT -an -vcodec libx264 -vpre slow -b 2000k -f mov -s 640x360 -r 25 OUTPUT

Is there way to see the commandline that blender passes to ffmpeg?
Is there a way to override the blender-gui settings with my commandline?


Rendering I´d really output an uncompressed image sequence and for now working with the VSE too and afterwards use a 3rd party tool to create a compressed video container.
Blenders VSE is “under construction” if I am not mistaken and the next blender project “mango” targets towards VFX so I guess it will get an overhaul. Might be wrong though =)

I´ve had my share or troubles with video formats as every customer wants something special or different. If you got the image sequence you can always re-compress and convert it without loosing quality.
Usually the customer wants format X to find out later that format Y would be better ^^

The sequence workaround is what i do atm… would have been nice to have a one step solution anyway.
Is the python-API finished by now? Would it be possible to feed the VSE-Timeline as INPUT to the ffmpeg commandline then?
