Sub Surf / game engine Is it possible?

I am searching the foruns to be informed about sub surf for the game engine. Does anybody recommend any link? :expressionless:

i dont think it works in the game engine.

not at the moment

there was a tuhopuu build with the enji game engine (publisher uses ketsji) which allows more blender features, including but not limited to subsurf

it may be possible in a pre 2.0 version of blender, but wait and see what the next couple releases have in store.

:smiley: Fine!
So we are going to have a lot of surprises probably including this topic…


Well actually I had a tupohuu build with engine that supported subsurf using some kind of script. But sadly I lost it, but it was possible in that build. :smiley:

Why not just do your subsurf outside the game engine then select the object and ALT-C to make it into a real mesh?

I may be mistaken, but wouldn’t that mess up the joints with armatures?

Well yes, if you made a armature, subsurfe the model and make real vertices of it, you need to asign the nex vertices to the groups or they won’t be parented to the armature. :-?

Which you would have to do anyway. So I do not see what the problem is. You just would end up with a high poly mesh.

What are nex vertices??

I think it was a typo, “new vertices.”

Cool! i didn’t know about the ALT-C feature!

Trouble is that would send the vertex count sky-high and the game engine wouldn’t like that much. I imagine realtime subsurf would be too slow to be practical in the game engine as well. :-?


Hey I just had a thought. In 10 years or so processors should be fast enough to do realtime raytracing! wouldn’t that be cool?!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Keith. 8)

10 years, hehe, they do now - Splinter cell’s shadows are raytracd, well near enough anyway. I dont know why you would need subsurfs in a game, I dont know any games that use any kind of subsurf in their models. Plus everything get triangulated which subsurfs dont like…

i ment proper raytracing with real reflections and everything. sort of like using YafRay instead of OpenGL as the graphics engine.

Ha! of course that there realtime-reflections. Have you heard about EnvMapping and CubeMap? They are since 4-5 years i thik.

enviroment mapping does not give you realtime reflections. it simply generates a static texture overlay which is independant of the objects rotation. the enviroment map won’t change as another object approches, like a mirror.

Nah, it’s scanline rendering. Sort of a la internal Blender renderer with ‘buffer shadow’ on. Still, it beats a round black blob for a shadow! Hey man, raytracing 24 fps? Sorry to disappoint but no game has real raytracing… yet.