Edit button spacing (hidden theme setting)

Hi, until we get api access, heres a script to edit the button spacing values, Added this since I like buttons to be a bit more tightly packed together.


Heres the script if you want to modify you’re settings, save you’re userdefaults and you dont need to bother with the script again.

this runs on linux/osx but not windows, however user prefs saved on *nix will work on windows ok.

sweet. seems to work like a charm.

How did I survive without this?!

ideasman will this work for labels too ? I have created a multi label , its basically create labels that wrap text (used textwrap module) , so it makes it possible to wrap and display multiline text on a panel , but I have 2 issues with it :

  1. the space between labels insert blank spaces between my multilines text

  2. I cant guess the size of the panel and so i force the user to set it up manualy.

In any case , I downloaded and I am about to test it.

Hi, ideasman, can you do this for windows, or suggest some workaround trick for people that dont have mac/linux?

ditto as above, I’d love to try a more compact button layout.