Modeling a column (ancient, roman, greek)

Hi there is a many pictures of great columns but nobody told how they make this. Can anybody explain me how can i create the body of column ? (head is next step) Now i want to learn column body with quarters of spheres at the end like this

i am the begginer in blender but i know some modeling technics
thax for help

name of this kind column is Fluted Column

there is a script that can do these columns!

happy 2.5

where is ?

thak u very much and what something about corinthian capital of column ?

i dont need exact model something simpliest satisfy me

These kinds of models are very difficult to make well. I strongly suggest you practice on something easier before you tackle these, or you’ll just get discouraged. If you really need to, I suggest you model it piece by piece, with separate objects for the various elements. It’s not really the way it should be done, but the topology will be vastly simpler and the final effect should be close enough. Aside from that, there’s not really a set recipe for doing these kinds of things. Just add a plane, put on a subsurf modifier and start extruding edges, adding loop cuts and pulling vertices any way you see fit.

The corinthian order capital is one of the most complex , and looking around google image, there are multiple type of corinthian capital decorations.

For the base shape, you can try to add a circle, then above it a subdivided cube that you would edit so in the end it looks like this :
(the violet parts are the creased edges that i selected to improve the subsurf result)

After that for the decoration, maybe sculpting could help ?
Though i would go to the multiple objects path as MadMinistrel suggested


corintest.blend (51.2 KB)

than u for good hints, i will try make some leafs from capital modeling polygon by polygon and i will see :wink:

well i did one like the corinthian column capital
ok but ended up with something like 50 000 vertices for one capital

i mean it’s high res and slugish in blender

if you want to see it let me know i’ll find it you’ll see

but may be there would be a better way of doing this using sculpt and multires to make it a lot faster in blender!
or using may be some displacement map but being high res don’t know if this would be fast in blender!

happy 2.5

Sculpting is definitely an option, I’m just not sure it’s the best one. In the end, sculpting it will result in a lot more polygons, and this is the sort of object that you use many times in a scene. You’d probably need about half a million polys to get a satisfying level of detail with sculpting. If you do sculpt it, I strongly suggest you retopo it later and bake it down to a normal map on a mesh with a reasonable polycount. Actually you should do that if you model it with subsurf too. Except if you do that you have most of your retopo done because you can use the cage mesh - just remove redundant loops, connect the pieces and shrink wrap it to the subsurfed version.

i’m trying to redo my model with a low res using UV mapping
i’ll let you know when i get something a little more low res then the high res model i have

but it should be possible to use low res with a combination of good UV mapping and still get a good render

happy 2.5

Sculpt many be the way to go. But I am still too sloow manipulating all that goop!

People have made those details in segments. Here is my quick try on the leaf base. I first tried to squeeze the detail out of cube. But no go. Too many lines going all over! So I ended up using poly-to-poly modeling. Then it was simple. From this simple leaf all you need to do is to Spin Duplicate it. And it came out ok:

Very nice trick on this with the spin duplicate.

this model is very simple some have a lot more complicated design!

but nice beginning

happy 2.5

And how can i join subdivides cube with circle ?

-Join them manually as unfortunately the bridge/loft function from the loop tools would make a bad job at selecting exactly the edges to get a nice smooth joining , just make sure the circle has the same exact amount of vertices as the vertices of the external edge of the structure above it.


-make the structure from above :

-select the external edges :

-press E then extrude along an axe, then press CTRL+N to be sure the normal are correctly oriented :

-on the Loop Tool tab (you must of course enable the Loop Tools in your User Preferences -> Addons) press on Circle.

-and there you are , a circle correctly joined to the structure above with minimal work :

sorry, didn’t read enough

wow thx i understand

so did you find a way to make the fluted column ?

here is example

you could also start with a circle portion like in this file
base_elementcolumm1.blend (183 KB)

one of the most difficult part is the ionic volute
but you can try beginning by doing a spiral with array or using screw may be!

happy 2.5