Vehicle Wrapper in Blender 2.5

What is the best way to set up a vehicle wrapper in Blender 2.5? I tried using the tutorial found here:
but it was meant for blender 2.49 and I couldn’t get it working in 2.5. I found information on the blender website and it showed a few of the things that you need to properly set up the vehicle but it didn’t show how to put them all together in python. I want to know what you need to get the vehicle wrapper working in blender 2.5 and how to organize it.


Here’s a working example for 2.5, ported by HG1 (I think I found it elsewhere on these forums). [ATTACH]153410[/ATTACH]

When you set it up with your own car, make sure you copy the logic brick setup exactly, and ensure that the body and wheels are in the correct orientation. Just follow the tutorial you posted and you should be all set. Good luck!

Awesome! Thanks

you can use
Visual VehicleWrapper
it runs in 2.49 and 2.5x and is much easier to use.