Charlie's Big Adventure

Hey everyone!
I have recently started something new. Based on the knowledge I have gathered with my prototyp Orbito I have started a new jump’n’run.
Orbito was started to complex for a one man show… so in this game I want to keep things more simple but though in an appealing visual style! I hope I will come along!

So here is the first gameplay video. Gamelogic I am doing via python now! I have gained some important knowledge with Orbito and I will extend this knowledge hopefully in this game now!

Ok… so take a look!!! I hope you like what you see. I will try to make this little game as professional as possible.

Some thoughts on the storyline… The Master of Charlie is a great magician… While performing a show something strange happens… he is not able to pull his birds out of his hat. Charlie is his small but very capable friend! He gets the mission to jump into his hat and find the reason whats going wrong. Thats the point where charlies adventure starts! With the hat he is able to travel to different places and find his little bird friends and bring them back to his master! Maybe he will find the true reason why his small friends all dissapeared.

Have a nice day!

Some typical jump’n’run moves Charlie already knows:

  • run
  • jump
  • doublejump
  • jumpattack
  • walljump

Some moves he is going to learn:

  • swim
  • other stuff that I am not aware of now

wow man, wow. smooth and professional looking, this looks worthy of cash in my eyes!
Best thing about the game is that the bunny is naturally funny, awesome :eek:

It looks cool. :smiley:

The models fit very much the characters are very nice. I like it.


hey. thank you guys!!

that is why I want it to be as professional as possible. who knows… maybe I will get the opportunity to make a little cash with it!
I think I will publish a demo in the near future…

It does look very smooth and professional. Great job! I might suggest that the birds change color when they’ve been acquired, just so that you don’t confuse the ones hovering over the rabbit with the ones you need to collect.

thanks SolarLune!
Yep… this is a good idea. I also thought to play a little sound when activating the birds…
But sounds will come later.

I love the story.

Er trägt eine Krawatte. ô_ô
Cool! ^O^

Åwr, that looks so functionable! I wish I had your Knowledge! ;0;
All the Time I am having Trouble with Physics, and everything, and for you it works sôôô fine, Man!

simple, but it does the job :slight_smile:

thank you… I took me some time until it works so smooth now. My first tests were far away from this level… :slight_smile:

It looks great! Characters are really appealing (like all of your character) and it has a certain Little Big Planet feeling.

Can’t wait to see more and maybe a tutorial or 2 as I’m always intrigued by the BGE.


Goin’ with gianmichele: Tutorials! Tutorials! Tutôôôrials! ôOô

I really like the flock behavior of the birds. But the trapped birds should look more miserable, gray and gloomy and possibly surrounded by a glowing circle of spell - Just to light up in bright happy color when freed.

I’d just like to add on that I think I see lines and divisions in your level - that’s because of using individual objects for the walls. If you join them all together into a single mesh and delete the extra vertices and faces, then they’ll disappear, I believe. But great work so far!

Beautiful, really beautiful, this is the kind of game i want to play, the bunny is very charismatic, and I loved him, I would change a littlebit the scenario and the lights, but I think that this is just an example of the gameplay and the idea, aniway I loved it!!!

@ gian
thank your… to be compared with little big planet is a great honor for me :slight_smile:
I think I have to dissappoint you concenring the tutorials… I have only little sparetime, and thats the time where I try to push my project. And my english is not very fluid when I try to talk xD

yep… thats a good point… I think I will work with some grey colors for the birds, and when I trigger them the get the bright blue.

thats the point… I don’t like the glitches either… unfortunately this will cause a lot of work to join all meshes and remove the walls between… there for the level needs to be completely finished… and changes won’t be that easy…
I think I will work with group instances…

@ leonnn
cool… I was not sure if this game is to childish for a lot of people… I hope to make it interesting for both, young and old :slight_smile:

New Progress so far:
I have a basic under water behavior… some better textures for the water, and a new block with grass ontop of it.

Birds now change the color from grey to blue…

I m quite old allready and what makes me want to play a game is the smothness of it, for example the bunny is very well done, his movements look natural for a cartoony, he walks, jumps his ears shake, everything s harmonic, the birds look very good aswell, the models, their animation, their textures, so I rather play a game like viva pinata than play a bullet storm or a lot of other titles that dont have a true content just kill without a defined reason( I loved the first modern warefare, I m not against shooters). Aniway Im 25, and I would like a lot to play your game, as I did wanted with orbito too because I see on your game things that lack on a lot of the games today. I used to play donkey kong on my snes and till now I somethimes emulate them on my pc to spare time because those are really artistical and when I see yur work it reminds me those good games( it reminds me Little big plannet too[ and I love this game aswell]).

Beautiful, polished and professional. Lighting and texture work are outstanding. The birds flight behavior are really really awesome, it just looks good and right. Wall jump? Cool and well done.

I think you should definitely go pro (commercial), you have enough competence for that, and plus, you progressing very fast recently.

I would like to make some suggestions, although I’m not even near competent as you, I would like to give my humble gamer opinion:

  • Maybe add a more tweaked gravity to Charlie, when he jumps, when you press the direction buttons, he kind of floats for a while before landing. But if that’s the game design intention, that’s not a problem, but a feature : )
  • The levels (platforms) are a little bit too squared, maybe add variation to the scenery and some round edges and different platforms? Again, if that’s the game design intention, i’t not a problem, but a feature : )

I hope you become successful, you spend so much time becoming a better blenderhead, you deserve it. Truly, a great inspiration, thanks for sharing.

Outstanding,sensational stuff 4 real,as everybody said the bunny looks pretty funny haha,and the physics looks pretty professional!
congratz so far!

I personally would suggest some more juicy Shapes for the Levels Architecture. I think of Naughty Dog – that would suit the Style.

Hey thank you all.

Here is a new video with some little progress…
-Waterphysics are functional now.
-A new block with some grasstextures
-the birds get activated from grey to blue now