Window Generator

Download Link

Ok, enough of the demonstration. Where is the link?

hi, very nice looking script.

url pls?release script :slight_smile:

Nice beginning…) !
What about some meta-scripting(environment) aimed at arch.elements ?

5* great work

where is the script link?

coming soon

can’t wait for this~
request tutorial please!

Download Link Added

Sagolasin arkadas :wink:
Thank you!

Thank you so much! It works great, really helpful in most cases.
It produces non manifolds, may be a problem in some situations.

Great script, thank you very much.

NOTE: Does it a big problem to name the script “Window” instead of “Pencere”?
I understood you are from Turkey (so it make sence), but most of this community is using english for communication and description.

For me it’s hard (after a few weeks) to activate or find your great script inside my Addons folder :slight_smile: Thanks for info.

DragonLEE, attached is your Window script I translated into English.

window (3.53 KB)

def MAhs():
if ‘Ahsap’ not in‘Wood’)
mtl.diffuse_color = (0.3,0.18,0.12)
mtl.diffuse_shader = ‘LAMBERT’
mtl.diffuse_intensity = 1.0
return mtl
1 error.
adding new material.

Sorry! Corrected version attached.
window (3.53 KB)

DragonLEE, may i suggest that you edit your first post indicating that there is an English version available? That way the next few passers by do not need to scroll down to discover that fact, or miss it alltogether.

cool an english version, now lets just hope that the “sapling” addon can have the keyword “tree” put in it so we can find it
with the search function,
maybe change the Addon name to “Tree sapling generator” a bit redundant but works.
and the you can find it with the search either way…

Same for this one,
can be call Pencere Window Generator (again redundant, but can be found with the search)

holyenigma74, there is a considerable difference between the sapling generator being called a tree generator (all saplings are trees, all trees are not saplings) and calling the Window generator being called Pencere Window generator. Pencere is Turkish for window. No point in doing that.

You can always edit your copy of the sapling addon and call it what you want. It’s incredibly easy to do.

You need to find a folder called “add_curve_sapling” whose location will depend on what platform you are using, and your installation options - do your research. On Ubuntu, the folder is found here by default: /usr/share/blender/2.61/scripts/addons/add_curve_sapling

Then open the file called and edit the line that looks like this:

"name": "Sapling",

and edit the “Sapling” to read whatever you prefer.

If you can’t find the folder then tell me what platform you are on, how you installed Blender, and I will try to help you out.

+1 love it !