Theme for users of Ubuntu's Ambiance/Unity.

This is a little theme to match Ambiance’s window borders and Unity’s panel for ubuntu users.

This directory (link) contains a

  • .xml (BUG! see note 2)
  • .blend (see note 1 for why the .blend is there)
  • 3 screenshots (one fullscreen and one with window decorations)

(UPDATE: Theme updated! Please re-download if you downloaded it before.
changes: I finally found the right color, so that when the mouse is not over the info header, the shaded color matches the window decorations perfectly. I also got around to tying up the loose ends.)


  1. to get the smooth border on top, you have to right-click in the info header and click “Flip to Top” (for every editor and layout preset). The directory i linked to has a .blend that already has them all flipped to top.

  2. it seems the new .xml format or exporter has a bug, and resulting theme files do not carry over the color/shading setting under the “Regular” heading in the “User Interface” section.

  3. i’m using Light Themes-Evolved/Ambiance Evolution, but i believe it uses the same base color. If it doesn’t, let me know.


hi, this looks really good.
The new theme system may not update the scripts & or there may be ui elements added or changed.
however it does bring convert most things leaving only a few small fixes, which is better than a complete theme rewrite from scratch. :slight_smile:

This is really cool :slight_smile:

Thanks ikeahloe