Steampunk Dome

Hey guys, that is the last render made by my friend CJ. We made a blog with the challenge “Make 130 renders in an year”! Yes, we’ll make that! This render is the second of the blog. If you liked, see the blog, more information in the same: angle high quality)

(another angle high quality)

Thats pretty dam good! Looks a bit too clean but other than that it’s perfect!

awesome stuff. Great mood. :wink:

Nice work! :wink:

yes yes, but really old but not that say it’s dirty XD

Love the theme! Good stuff :smiley: My fav are the flying balls.

"Love the theme! Good stuff My fav are the flying balls.

Thank you also love things related to steam punk theme

this is really very cool

Great style and compostion like a boss!

Yeah, like a boss! :smiley: Has a very Escher-ish feel to it.