Recording Motion of Static Objects?

Hi All, I’m using Blender Game Engine to record mixed physics/animation to keyframes. (eg: a finger pushing over a row of Dominoes - the finger is animated with keyframes, and I’m allowing the animation to happen during the simulation with logic: ALWAYS>AND>ACTION [where the action I pointed to was the animation of the finger pushing]).

Now, this all used to work in Blender 2.60 (as long as I disconnected the original ‘pushing’ action from the finger [so that the recorded keyframes didn’t over-write the original animated movement]), but as of Blender 2.61 or Blender 2.62, the Recorder refuses to record keyframes for ‘static’ objects, which the finger is.

Is there a way for ‘movement’ of static objects to still be recorded to keyframes in Blender 2.62?

Thanks in advance!

You appear to have forgotten to attach your blend file to your post or added a download link to it.

You could make a dinamic object an increase the dumping to the maximum level, that way it ll be floating like a static object but the animation ll be recordered.

Hey, thanks for everyone’s help. I searched around, and figured out that I’d have to use Dynamic physics to record keyframes instead of a static object, which will no longer record keyframes. Tou counter the problem of gravity on the animated object, I’ve applied an equal force upwards negating gravity using the logic editor.

I’ve posted an update to my video tutorial on this topic (simulating and recording physics in combination with animation in the Blender Game Engine) in my Blender Tutorial Series on my YouTube channel.

The link to this tutorial (Part 1, the new updated content is in part 2), is here:

Thanks again,

I’ve typed up a quick and dirty summary here. Let me know if I’ve forgotten to include anything.

If these steps don’t include enough detail, I recommend following CGBoorman’s video.

To knock over a domino with an animated block.

This works in Blender 2.63. I haven’t tried it in any other versions.

  1. Create a domino, floor and block.

  2. Change to Blender game engine

  3. By default the objects are static. Leave them that way except make the domino a rigid body. In collision bounds change the bounds to Convex Hull.

  4. Animate the block so it collides with the domino. If we playback the animation in the timeline the block will pass through the domino. If we hit the P key the only force that acts on the domino is gravity. Make note of the frame number of the first keyframe for the block and the frame number of the last keyframe of the block.

  5. In a dope sheet window switch to Action Editor with the block selected. Change the name of the datablock to pushyCube.

  6. In a logic Editor window, click Add Sensor and choose Always.

  7. Click Add Controller adn choose And.

  8. Click Add Actuator and choose Action.

  9. In the Start and End fields fo the Actuator section put the start frame and end frame of the block animation. (Not the start frame and end frame of the scene).

  10. In the Actuator area click in the empty datablock name field and select pushyCube from the drop down menu.

  11. Connect the sensor to the controller by dragging the little “out” dot of the sensor to the “in” dot of the controller. Connect the controller to the actuator in the same way.

  12. In a 3D view window hit P on your keyboard and watch your cube knock over your domino.

I have created a patch to Blender to allow the recording of static object animation in the game engine, however it’s not been merged yet by the Blender developers.

The patch is here:

Here is an example of an animation that uses the patch:

Please voice your support for this patch, so that it can be merged.


I’ve created a patch to fix this issue and allow the recording of static objects in the game engine, but it hasn’t been merged yet by the Blender developers:

Please voice your support for the patch so that it can be merged. Here is an example of a video we made using the patch:
