A Clockwork Orange Tribute - Alex Room

Recreation of the Alex DeLarge Room, from the movie “A Clockwork Orange” (Stanley Kubrick)
Day & Night Version.
Modelled and Textured with Blender
Rendered with Maxwell Render.


Outstanding, the quilt is especially well-executed. How did you do it?

For some reason I really like Maxwell… can’t put my finger on it. It seems to have a more realistic … camera? No idea. but good stuff.

So awesome!!!

very realistic, i especially like the day version. Outstanding work

Great remainder … fits the film perfectly. Thx.

Real horrorshow !

Great work! Would be cool if Basil was poking his head out of somewhere… Viddy well, little brother. Viddy well.

Excelent!!! Did you use the unoficial exporter? Or made the render via Maxwell studio?

Nice to see another Maxwell user in Blender Comunity.

@V1k1ngo, Blender 2.61 + bmaxwell plugin of nildar (sourceforge). The plugin is marvelous!
@ThoFei, @rovy, @shibazz, @aomeoni Thank you !

Hi bones79, thank you, great idea…

Thanks kemmler. The quilt is a plane+textures+modelled “peaks” + cloth simulation.

How long has it rendered? Great image, very realistic!

It looks great, I like the way you texture evrything, very nice work. ( I prefere the second one ;))

very cool man!

@CMOS: 40 hs - day & night version.
@Beny, @einaparker: Thanks

awesome, dude, soaked with atmosphere!! the light is just amazing, thanx, long time I am about to watch the movie, now its on the top of the list!

Thuleke, awesome rendering! must have taken a long time! I’ve wanted that Beethoven shade for a while, where did you get the image for that? do you have it in higher rez so I could print it out? Thank you!

I think sometimes, it is not often though, the image has more to it then a “very realistic” feel. The first image is the case, really. There is some strange tension! Nice work

Someone has watched Clockwork Orange a bit too much. (kidding) Very well done. Like the derby in the back corner of the room. Great attention to detail.

Bravo! Fantastic, and very true to the movie.