GSOC - New tessellator


I’m Andrei Simionescu and I’ll be working on a two-part project this summer:
(1) implementing a new tessellator for the Beauty fill feature
(2) ? (Suggestions, please)

I’m a Blender newbie and I would love to hear any suggestions, advice or remarks from people interested in this.

Thank you

Wiki page


  • (1) adding a “fill with an Ngon” operator (zeauro)

The first is implementing a new tessellator for the Beauty fill feature

It is great to hear. It should be complex to obtain a pertinent result in most cases.

Could you also add a “fill with an Ngon” operator ?

Thank you for your reply. I took note of that and will let you know how it works out, but I’ll surely try to do it.

Another variant that would be useful: after triangulating, combine triangle pairs into quads to try to make a maximal number of “nice” quads. (Probably some triangles will be left over.) “Nice” is open to trial, but definitely means “flat, not concave” and after than, should not have too extreme angles.
(I have an algorithm to do this, if you are interested.)

Also, will your tesselator handle holes within faces? I know that there isn’t really a way to start with such things on a Blender model, but such a capability is useful to import and tesselate vector art and font character outlines. The current tesselator kind of handles them, somewhat accidentally.

I think it is a little bit out of your realm with this project, but I would love to see the fall off settings(edit mode, mesh)get some love and some better visual feedback. I would really love to see a custom fall off curve implemented.

would be nice if to_mesh() and Mesh.update(calc_tessface=True) had an extra parameter to tessellate to (nice) triangles only instead of tris+quads, 'cause i have to pseudo-triangulate quads in my export script like tri1 = 0,1,2 / tri2 = 0,2,3 which works but may give ugly triangles

Not sure if this would fall under your domain, but how about automatic tessellation/subdivision (with a user specified limit) of the affected faces whenever a sculpt operation is being done?

Iti doresc succes si sa finalizezi acest proiect! Majoritatea vor de mult timp modalitatea de a transforma rapid “modele” lor din rezultate trinagulate in ceva mai manipulabil , si reversul. Este ceva asteptat de vr-o 5 ani in blender si nu a reusit sa avanseze mai deloc. Conform ideii in general se vrea : transformare din triunighiuri -> n-gon (n-gon fill)
-> patrulater
acestea in mod dinamic in sensul ca utilizatorul va selecta zona din model si va aplica fie -> beautiffy fill n-gon sau -> … quadface si respectiv inversul -> n-gon ->quad> trianglulgarface (tris).

In general e modul de utilizare in jocuri in special unde au nevoie sa transforme niste modele de rezolutie mare in alte modele de rezolutie mica , sau inversul au modele de rezolutie mica facute deja de altii si trebuie sa faca modele noi la rezolutie mai mare. Astfel li se usureaza munca ne mai fiind nevoie sa inceapa totul de la zero sau aproape zero.


Is That meanning a Sculpture Brush Tool like Sculptris?

That’s great!