Abandoned Stop Light

A couple days ago I thought it might be cool if i created a traffic light, in the middle of nowhere, broken. Like there was a road there but nature reclaimed it.

Here’s the result, all done in Blender.

If you have any critiques please let me know! and let me know what you think in general!

Great Job!!!
If you want X-TREAM critiques, use the “Focused Critique” sub-forum… :wink:

no, i know about the focused, it’s just i feel that it’s done, but if other people don’t feel that way i would like to know.

and thanks! :slight_smile:

anyone else have any comments?

I have some suggestions for you: It is clearly a bright and sunny day, so the lights on the stop light would not seem so bright. Also, now it looks as if all of the three lights are on at the same time.
Here are some pics to illustrate what I am trying to say:

Do you see what I mean?

Also, I noticed that the pole looks very new, while the light stop panel looks rusty. That is a bit inconsistent in my opinion.

Anyway, it looks quite good in general :wink:

looks nice mate :slight_smile:

Thanks guys!

@andrius.b I wanted a kind of backscatter so they didn’t look like black holes. :stuck_out_tongue: i also wanted to have a kind of cartoony feel to it.