Baltic ocean 2


Not being entirely satisfied with my previous underwater pic, I started to make another image based on the same scene. My main focus was to introduce something to focus on, instead of just a random landscape.


Very nice as well, (I secretly prefer your first scene) although I think you should focus more on the first gravestone - keep it in focus, don’t let your DOF get to it…

Maybe some tutorial? :slight_smile:

Nice work! like this on much better, :smiley:

Unless the scene is intended to be just barely below the surface, I don’t think you would get such brightness (you might get some brightness otherwise depending on the depth, but not quite that much).

One thing you might want to do is add a surface mesh above the camera so you can get a refraction effect as you’re looking up through the surface of the water (providing this is indeed at a shallow depth as alluded to by the highlight).

The concept itself though looks nice as well the modeling, the materials, and the lighting (especially toward the front), there’s also no problem with the underwater feel.

For some reason I’m getting total white from my Z-buffer.
Is there something I must turn on that I can’t find?

Okay, I figured it out. Offset did nothing for me, but adding a ‘Normalize’ node between ‘map value’ and ‘colorramp’ helped.
Then adding another one after the ‘colorramp’ helped even more.

Oh…weird, I didn’t have to do that. But good that you got it working.

Nice piece. I like the glow and the DOF effect.