Cube Invasion

I made this game pretty quickly, but it ain’t all that bad. It’s surely
better than City Of Death. Anyway, the download link is below, be
sure to download it, and don’t forget to leave a comment.

The controls and credits are included in the ZIP folder.
Don’t forget to leave feedback and whatnot in the comment
section of this thread. It’d be much appreciated.


PS- The screenshots are a bit misleading, the city isn’t actualy
that bright, and if your mind isn’t made up yet; there is some
nice music to go along with the game. :slight_smile: Thanks for playing!

Downloads Thus Far: 210


I found it quite fun :). Although very challenging haha. I jumped a couple of times when I would spin around and there would be a cube half a metre away from me.

One suggestion would be to use a ray sensor to destroy the cubes, would work a lot better over long distance etc.

Thanks for the comment, and I’ll look into the ray sensor… the current shooting sucks!

good morning
I live in Russia and I really like Blendergameengine.
Sorry for the bad text. I did not know English,
I liked the game Kubinvasion
A good idea
Respect the author
You can add sounds and effects
by by

good morning
I live in Russia and I really like Blendergameengine.
Sorry for the bad text. I did not know English,
I liked the game Kubinvasion
A good idea
Respect the author
You can add sounds and effects
by by

I could just imagine this being said with a russian accent. :slight_smile:

Anywayyyy. . .

This game is. . .(add suspense). . . pretty cool! I really like the M16 model. It looks so cute! The parked cars add some detail to the level. :slight_smile:

A few suggestions, when the little chunks of alien hit the ground (sounds graphic, huh?) to make is more refined, make the cubes go no collision. Like Collision(prop-ground) - and - Add Object(add a duplicate of the cube but make it a collision-less object in the physics panel). Oh, is there a way to increase the sensitivity on the mouse? You can add spread to the gun by animating the empty that shoots (11 frames aughta do).

Sorry but I do not understand your message. You do not agree with my message?

Oh, no. :3 Your post is fine. I am saying that when I read it, I could imagine someone with a Russian accent saying it. :slight_smile:

Thank you for the comment, but it isn’t REALLY that great of an idea… :slight_smile:

It is the base for a First Person Shooter. Thus; A Great Idea. :wink:

Oh, hint; Servo motion is better than simple. It makes stuff not go through walls. And the sliding can be fixed by friction in the material.

this game is MEAN.
they may be just cube but they sure are vicious. Why not keep working at it bit by bit. It already has the STUFF all it need is the looks

Pickle, have you learned to do armatures? That would be a very good thing to know. You could make a little green alien come at you instead of cubes. :wink:

I have not… but I would be able to model an alien without armatures, I was just too lazy to make enemies. Also, the cubes that are in the game are the only objects I’ve been able to make a “Tract to”. So I use them for everything!

You can just make the cubes invisible and parent the alien armature to the cube. . . So those cubes could still be used.

These cubes are sneaky!

haha that was fun, you definetly could build on this idea… it could make a quit good game without much additions. What I would do is make it sci fi , add some interesting colors on the cubes and remove the gun and use lazers instead :smiley: really cool idea though, it might be very simple but it actually works well for having fun. My only complain is that at long range cubes dont seem to die even with good aim.

I sorta did something like that with the cube/player you control. Exit camera mode, zoom in and double-right-click on the cube. (player) There is a little green cube hiding in there, The zomebie alien cubes come after it not you. :smiley:

Yes, I really hate the shooting… if I knew how to do rays then that problem could be solved.
But by shooting directly into the center, unless the cube is at an angle, it usually dies. Even at long

It’s cool but why are so many of the items in your scene so high poly?

Subdivided the houses too many times? That’s probably why.

I still love your game, and I enjoyed playing it and certainly would love to see more games from you. I will take a look at your problem maybe I can fix because I know python programming but I am new with BGE (I make blender addons). Hope you dont mind .