Kaleidoscope modeling - video

My very old modeling idea… now in a video!

You will find a tutorial in it, and above the video there is a link to az example .blend.
But in short:

  1. make a cube or other primitive
  2. subdivide it (liner subdivide) 2x or 3x
  3. put a subdivision modifier on it
  4. use shrink/fatten (so move vertices along its normals) and repeat this


Very cool indeed! And the music is to my liking as well. =)


Nice! Thanks for sharing.

This is more or less how the first flu-virus was created. Very cool though. ;D

That’s a very nice trick. There are inevitable cases where the mesh will intersect itself, but if you want a quick shape like that it’s probably the best way to do it.

Why are you not using 2.49?
I thought you didn’t need any new features from later versions.

Anyway, pretty cool.

Kudos for the way you did the presentation in the interface and for the music !
English could be better but hey !

Carry on !

can you take a snapshot/printscreen of that shader/material your using

Hey i like the shader too, screen grab would be nice.

you can download the example.blend…
you dont read the topic?

and this is not a shader, this is only an angular map texture (zbrush matcaps)

Ohh, matcap cool. Yes I was making rocks with this technique the other day. Modifiers are powerfull.

Yeah - this was pretty cool technique - I remember when I saw it for first time here -
http://www.3dluvr.com/content/article/134/1 - but I’ve never used it again since then

wow… I totally forgot this. 2004… huh…

Interesting. A very procedural way of modelling. I think I’m going to experiment a little…