Dream BIG - A short film

“Kids can be annoying, they allways get under your feet. They should go outside and play… shouldn’t they?”

The video may not be available yet, check back soon :slight_smile:

I have been working on and off to complete this short film, before my kids grow up and become dissilusioned with their Dad! During the post production process Mango happened and many of the compositing tools matured for me to take advantage of them.

The VSE has gone from strength to strength as well, with many more scripts available as addons to enhance this under used tool.

Blender’s VSE, now with fewer bugs!

The keying tools are awesome, while my blue screen was not :frowning:

The exteriors needed some lightwrap to clean up the edges.

For music I was wondering what kind of Open CC track I could use. But I remembered the Open Movie scores. Now Jan doesn’t want his art mistreated and asks that you consult him before use (so not OpenCC then), but he was wonderful allowing me to use some Big Buck Bunny tracks. Strangely they fit perfectly after picture lock!

Finally I would like to thank my kids who have been very patient waiting for me to finish through all the crashy builds of Blender that I worked with. One of them even assited on the shoot as camera operator.

Looks intesting.

Awesome work! Nice to see a VFX centric Blender short film (didn’t notice any CG per se). I’d not heard of Magic Lantern before either (open source dSLR enhancement?).

You may not notice it but I have included color correction using the new masks feature generated in Image Viewer.

I enjoyed this. Even the acting was kind of fun. What I liked about it is that you didin’t take yourselves extremely seriously and that just made the performance likeable. This is what amature filmmaking is supposed to be. The tech aspect is also impressive probably with tons of work behind the vfx shots…

well done

Thanks, I think the kids gave a very… natural performance :wink:

The effects don’t stand much scrutiny as my bluescreen was really poor, and I went through many versions of Blender, upgrading the keying tools each time. As I did this, my attention to detail diminished (as Blender got more crashy).