How can I get hair particles to distribute according to a picture texture?

I’ve got a picture with text on it that I want hair particles to emit from the black bits. How would I do this?


When your object has a particle system you can set a particle texture. You can set the texture to then influence various parameters


hair.blend (304 KB)

Richard, what did you do to the camera to lock it so the view does not zoom anymore? I notice a dashed red outline around the camera?

I put your scene in Emitter mode, instead of Hair mode and added a turbulent force to the center of the scene. Now the particles start in the shape of the leaf or logo and then swirl out randomly into the world. You can run this backwards, as a rendered image sequence, to simulate particles forming an image or logo in a final composite.


26_particles_form_logo.blend (290 KB)

Richard, what did you do to the camera to lock it so the view does not zoom anymore? I notice a dashed red outline around the camera?

The dashed red line is to indicate “Lock Camera to View” in the Properties / View settings is enabled