Global Game Jam happening NOW! Jan 25-27, 2013

For those of you who don’t know, The Global Game Jam is an annual event where people get together, form small teams, and create a game within a single weekend.

I am going to the Vancouver (UBC) one tomorrow with another fellow Blender artist/developer dfelinto. Hopefully we’ll meet others and make something cool in 48 hours. :slight_smile:

I plan to live-tweet the event from my account @themikepan
I will also set up a Youtube live-stream and/or Google Hangout once I am there.

Is any other Blenderist going the Jam?

Edit: Date changed to January

Global Game Jam happening NOW! Feb 25-27, 2013

Isn’t it still January?

Oops, got too excited there. But yes, it is happening today (i.e. January)