Another commercial

Blender/Cycles and just a tiny bit of BI and AFX: VIDEO

Well done! i am curious about how where done the caustics…

Thanks. Basically caustics was rendered as separate pass using material (emission shader) override with animated free texture from Substance Player and mapped uniformly on objects using UV Project modifiers. Separate mask layer pass was rendered using simple diffuse material and strong lightning from top. And then masked caustics was added with color mix node on top of base rendering in compositor. Hope it made any sense.
On simpler scenes caustics was just an emission shader with same texture on background plane, and no layering was involved.

This is exceptional work. I’ve watched it four times to take it all in…and then watched it again to focus on the caustics. I hope your customer appreciates it at least half as much as I do. ;o)

Really beautiful & well done! … and I don’t even like blueberries :slight_smile:

Spectacular work!