2.67 won't add node

I’ve been doing this in 2.66

tree = bpy.context.scene.node_tree
links = tree.links
movie_node = tree.nodes.new(type = 'MOVIECLIP')

But I just downloaded 2.67 and it doesn’t work.
Now it says: “Node type MOVIECLIP undefined”

What works now?


Same here - how to make non-custom node? All the scripts I wrote this far suddenly don’t work… Not the best ‘new feature’…

Got answer:
u have to change node types to ‘new names’. MOVIECLIP is now CompositorNodeMovieClip.

yep, see Nodes API changes:


I found this in the notes:

The node.type property still returns the old enum identifiers. This is necessary for compatibility scripts, but using the ‘type’ property is generally discouraged. To get the actual identifier of a node type use node.bl_idname

I’m not sure this was a good idea. It is very confusing.
I printed the types of all the open nodes in the editor and ‘MOVIECLIP’ was printed, that would make anyone think that you could still use it.

Not nice indeed, but i believe this was done to avoid breaking existing scripts shortly before release. If this was planned for a longer time, the devs might had warned the scripters and changed the type values.

I never enjoyed bpy manual, and now it misses an important info - the 2.66 got all the types listed by names… Quite sad. I wouldn’t find out about those names if not a firend of mine who told me “let’s search source code”… Quite a fail from Blender devs.
“For compatibility scripts” = lol. But didn’t thought of USER scripts that got no longer compatible. Luckily my scripts were short and got few nodes created.