Why does my mesh turn blue when I enter Edit mode?

This is strange… I’m getting several of my Meshes turning blue (as if they were in Weight Paint mode) when ever I Tab into edit mode…

some of these Meshes have had Armatures on them but then Removed along with all vertex groups…

I have only noticed this behavior since the Blender 2.68 update…

anyone else had this happen?:spin:

aaa never mind I had the ‘Show Weights’ box checked… in the edit mode “Mesh Display” Panel… Duh…

I had the same problem but weird thing on this is that on 2.67 this option is in my .blend file turned off

Just upgraded from 2.64 to version 2.69 today. Thanks for solving the “Mystery Of The Blue Mesh” for me. Once again you’ve saved my day!