BLENDER Tutorial: Low poly forest assets!

Time to learn how to make low poly models for your forest scenes.

In this video I will show you how to make pine trees, normal trees, rocks and grass. I also show how I light up my scenes and get great looking renders very easily.

► Render download:

Be sure to comment on what you liked and what you think needs to be changed. Also comment on what you would like to see next.

Also, happy new years!

I appreciate you taking the time to make these tuts, they are very helpful.

I’ve seen so many poor looking low poly artwork. Most people don’t really know what low poly artwork really is. I hope my tutorial will help people, and if somebody wants more of these I will gladly help.

I’m glad you enjoyed this.

Good job. :slight_smile:
It could`ve been a bit more entertaining with your actual voice on the background. And also easier than typing all that text and timing it right.
I like most your overall post. It looks very nice, simple and efficient.

PS: A small tip, if your work is focusing mostly on low poly artwork, you should add that first on your portfolio and if you are trying to go professional, I think you shouldn`t include minecraft stuff. You should also update your portfolio with the latest work - e.g. your Christmas tree scene for BG competition. That looked pretty good. :slight_smile:

Good luck!

Can you do like a small city scene, a looking across the street view with buildings, street lights etc.

AlinB I will have to try and do a tutorial with my voice. I’m now a native english speaker so it’s a bit hard for me to talk about 30 minutes in english, but I will have to try. And for my portfolio, I’ll edit it right away. Thanks for the comment.

DarkLimit I’ll think about that scene.