GLSL materials - with or without shadows?

In my object library I define each material as both a BI material and a cycles material, so that quite late in the process we can decide which renderer to choose. We also sometimes render using GL rendering (especially when there is not much time).

However, some of my materials have shadows, others don’t. It seems to me that some materials use a GLSL shader based on cycles, and others based on BI, but I’m not sure.
GLSLmaterial.blend (757 KB)

Here I have two stone materials, one gets a glsl shadow, the other doesn’t. Afaics the materials are almost the same, especially the shadowing-related settings.

What am I missing here? is this a bug, or a feature I don’t understand? :slight_smile:

Yeah, looks like a bug…

I was able to solve the problem by deleting the Cycles Material Output and then adding it back with Ctrl+Z, but that’s not a real solution of course.

Recently fixed, looks like. No changes made to your file.
2.69 stable release:

In a build from the blender buildbot: