"Submarine" 2014

Hi my last relax work :slight_smile:

nice under water feel!!!

nice lighting effects! quite superb.

Very pretty!!! Well Done

The submarine looks good, though the lit surfaces surrounding it seem to indicate a texturing scheme that that almost makes it look like it’s full of geometry and/or rendering errors. It would be nice to ultimately see some more detailed texturing so as to get it to the quality you tend to be known for.

amazing render, it really does look like the deep sea!
the only problem is that i like submarines, so i see the mines as being way to close to the sub
 if you want to keep it with close mines, i would cover the whole floor with mines
but other than that, AMAZING!!!

thanks for comments :slight_smile:

can you share your lighting and materials setup for the ocean? it looks really good!!

blender internal, mist, spot with procedural texture as fake caustics :slight_smile:

Great! Tutorial? :slight_smile:

this would make a great splash screen for 2.70! brilliant job!

Interesting though the proportions are out of whack. Most submarines are quite BIG. Usually 350+ feet long on average. Some even get to 500+ feet.

The way you have it makes the sub look like a toy.

Amazing work with the lighting. You’ve sold me on the underwater feel. Nice work!

Nicely done. I’m wondering about could you animate this with reasonable render times at 720p. And, by reasonable I mean under 6 minutes per frame. Funny a month ago I considered a render time of 6 minutes obscene. But, due to a current project suddenly that has become tolerable albeit just barely. Nice job really impressive.

kuro has a pint
 i mean point :slight_smile:
best render ive seen in BI :slight_smile: i mean realistic

reminds me of ‘red october’ (great sub movie, huge sub)

theoldghost, for animating yes you would need 6 min or less
 or just buy tiahne-2 (fast supercomputer) :wink:
but one of my scenes takes 2 hours to render XD

Evidently I missed something here. I thought G_Taurus had posted the picture here. Hence my question directed to him about render times.

thanks all.

theoldghost:render this scene to 2000x1000 pixels was 17 sec without small postproduction

i will send deep see .blend soon with this lighting setup and small example scene

this is example scene without some textures, but with my setup

happy blending :slight_smile:

@G_Taurus, thanks. I simply set the resolution to full HD and rotated your camera, actually moved your empty to frame. Man before I could blink it was done. It’s been awhile since I was in Blender Internal and I had forgotten how damn fast it is.

My next project was going to be something very similar only with a nuclear sub or subs. After looking at this render time I would say subs now. The render time is in the upper left corner for anyone interested in animation. Many thanks for the blendfile. This will be a big help to get me jumpstarted.
