Need help saving the texture in Blender to .dds

Hi, I’ve already made the model in Blender and I am fairly familiar with the newest blender. Here’s my issue:

What I have to do in Blender is make a (the words are escaping me) sorta map file, for my game (Fallout New Vegas) to read in order to place the texture correctly on the model. To elaborate, I can’t figure out how to save the gray, basic texture in Blender as a flat map .dds file that the game will read and place the in-game texture that the game will display properly on the model.

Any help as soon as possible will be greatly accepted and appreciated.

Blender does not export .dds files. Save your texture as a different format and convert that to a .dds file in some external application.
To save your texture open it in the Image Editor window and use the Image / Save as Image menu

Your question is quite vague. Are you using an image texture or just a plain material colour ? Have you UV unwrapped your object ? For uv mapping look on the cgcookie site for some tutorials