TCM Classic Film Festival

Hey guys, I want to share with you a project we did at for channel TCM, for their classic film festival. This is a full montage with both live action and CG parts, but pretty much every CG part is done in blender. I’ll post some pics of the sections that are CG below the video (cg are: steenbeck and classic editing machine, director chair, film close ups, + few small parts of live action shots). For this project I was pretty much the only guy using blender, so all main CG shots are mine, but now there are 4 who learned blender and others are learning as well :), so next projects will have even more.

Wow, really good job! I can’t tell which are live action and cg! That porjector model must be intense, especially like the lighiting and the mood. Great materials work too. It’s nice to see some really high quality work done in blender… great job! Can you post some renders individually with wireframes?, they’re hard to see in the one image.

I will post some wireframes while I’m at work.

Thank you so much for the wireframes. Amazing job, and congrats on making it as a headline on blendernation! I know you used compositing extensively for the scenes. Was this done in Blender’s compositor or did you run it through AE or some other? Mainly interested in your workflow.

The main 3d shots (film close ups, classic and steenbeck editing machines) were composited directly in blender. After, in editing, some newer color corrections were applied. You could say it was wall “pre-composed” in blender.

Very good.