A Hidden Sanctuary

Hey Guys,

Finished my Waterfall project, check out the video below!


It is all very nice, though the water looks just as smoke, not at all water, above all when animated, sorry.
You should try to mix a fluid simulation with the smoke, the latter should start after a while, during the falling down.

Maybe you could also try with a surface and an animated texture for the water.

Keep it up,

The scenery overall looks very beautiful, I do feel you could continue to work on the flowing water. Also with the size of the falls I think you would see an awful lot of displacement / splashing the water at the very bottom. That might also add some additional realism.

Yeah I agree the smoke doesn’t give it the most realistic effect, but I think it looks kind of artistic, more like a painting.

I like your scene, but I agree about the smoke as others have pointed out. I actually like the still much better than the video, it has a Vue-like feel to it :smiley: Nice work!

nice approach for the water vapor pouring down, I liked your rock texture tutorial if its you who made it :wink:

Thanks man! yup that’s me! :wink:

Yeah, a little bit like smoke, but I like all others.

Beautiful! Great done!
The smoke effect can also be us as an morning fog on a mountain that flood down into a valley, instead of an waterfall.

Very well done!

Do you have a tute on Blender nature scenes? I’ve used Vue for a long time but I’m ready to give up on it and would love to be able to do the equivalent in Blender.


Yes, I have a handful of nature tutorials on my channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG8AxMVa6eutIGxrdnDxWpQ

commented on this at blender nation, Colin Lister had nice concept for waterfalls http://www.cogfilms.com/index-2006.html the docs and files seem to be gone though but the water was achieved by using 2 displacement bumped rotating cylinders modified by a lattice one for the water color and another for the foamy white bottom part, might be able the “shape” and conform the flow with shrink wrap, then combine the smoke with something similar to give the impression of a water body and some extra particle effects to mimic spray

upload the file to blendswap since I cant find the online version http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/74718

Thanks for the tips!

the still immage is great! the animation loose a little bit of realism since the water looks more smoke and is a little bit too floaty.
beside that, it’s a really good job!

Very nice. I agree with others that the still image is better. The weakness of the smoke effect for the water shows up more in the animated version. You need some “harder” water in among the smoke. The smoke on the vertical parts woudl be ok with that but the smoke on the flat area at the top of the waterfall needs scaling down becase there woudl be little spray at that point. You need a more sheet effect coming of the lip of the waterfall and a mix of the smoke “mist” a a harder spary and water effect for the drop. It’s very good though.

It looks very good as a still, but as a moving picture, the water looks a lot like smoke…

Thanks for the feedback everyone! I just posted part 1 of my tutorial series on how to create Waterfalls in Blender!

Part 2 - Particles & Simulations!