BG Comp futuristic vehicles

Hey all

I decided to take part in a comp again , here is what I have so far. New final progress updates will go into this post, while other renders will be added below.

I’m considering making it be a police vehicle “sky way patrol” The smaller dome at the rear end is the power supply unit , it will have some sort of plasma lighting effect going on in there.

you should probably work on the shading, and on the glass why don’t you just put a glass shader on it, because as it’s looking now it looks like un-transparent plastic. Great modelling though! :smiley:

Hey sheepHD,

I shelved this competition entry in favour of doing a different competition on the Unity Engine forums involving Sketchfab. The shaders and materials here were all just simple colouring schemes while building the model and rendered with the internal renderer for fast results. I will come back to this model again some day and finish it :wink: