Jump to Keyframe out of Undo! >:(

Hi folks!

I wonder if there’s a way to exclude the “Jump to keyframe” action from the Undo history.

While animating, I jump between keyframes very often in order to check the changes I made. It’s very tedious to Ctrl+Z all the jumps and there’s a chance that some relevant action might get lost.

So, can I avoid that action to be recorded in the Undo history? Is this a question more related to coding than animation?


Currently there isn’t, though I guess there might be a case here for making this a userpref… There are definitely times when it’s useful to have this info, while for other workflows it sucks quite a bit.

Aligorith I know it’s not the place but it is related: move keyframes in dopesheet doesn’t redo
I mean G X 50 Enter then Shift + R …it works in f-curve editor, and even for scaling in dopesheet
or maybe it’s just me? thanks for your work btw

Thanks for the info Aligorith!

Liero, I meant navigating between keyframes, not moving them. I’m talking about the up and down arrow shortcut. Thanks anyway for you interest.