Gummy Worms and Gumdrop.

Hi everybody =)

So here are two render I did for my photorealism course at school (NAD Center). We had to reproduce gummy worms and a gumdrop. I made everything with Blender of course =)

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very good shader, looks real to me, good work.

Wow!!! This is fantastic! I would never guess that these aren’t photos! Can you please give us some details about how you made it, because you are obviously very talented!

great material

Sure, here are two images showing the process for the two renders. I used weight maps for the particles to control where I wanted sugar. There are three particle system in the end.

The wires for the gummy worms are quite heavy because I decided to sculpt the middle one, using dyntopo (which is just awesome !)

Nice. I did get hungry :smiley:

Yum! Delicious shaders :stuck_out_tongue:

Very realistic, if it wasn’t for the wireframe I would have assumed you had posted a photo.

Indeed, very photorealistic. You should get A+ for this

Man, what a great job you did here! Would you mind to share with us a higher resolution image? I barely see your nodes setup. THANKS! sorry for my terrible english =)

great materials. looks very realistic with the sugar coating.

If you click the image, it will pop-up. If you click it again in the pop-up, you will get the original image where the nodes are visible.

Wow! Incredible, these look completely photorealistic! Thank you so much. :slight_smile:

Superb job…very realistic indeed. Gummy worms brings up a lot of memories. :eyebrowlift:

Thanks guys ! I did get hungry during the making too haha ^^

Those materials are godly. Pulling the blue channel out of the Normal geo information is an interesting trick too. :slight_smile: Thanks heaps for sharing!

I’m having a hard time conceiving how you came up with that arrangement of nodes. The translucent effect on the worms is amazing.

Looks tasty - yes. But remember, it’s gelatine (google how it is made) :RocknRoll:

five stars

It’s good to see that Cycles can achieve such photorealism! 5 stars