Tales of the Owl

Hi all, :slight_smile: My latest concept cover book,
hope you like it

Great! I love the colors, and the lighting!

Awesome work, dude. I really love your style.

Superb work! i liked this a lot.

This is one of the best pieces I have seen in a while. Very well done. I love the cedar shake feathers, and the florescent tube roadside sign letters with the stained glass inset.

Very inspirational

wow! this is beautiful! i like the roots

Love it! Awesome style!

Congratulations, so much fine details !
You are on the top row :smiley:

Really nice atmosphere. Congrats.

Fantastic work as usual.
You really have such a nice style and I love the way you handle colours.
So professional.

You should add the other pics available on behance.

Beautiful work!!

Absolutely fantastic. Love the styling, the colours, details, and overall composition.

This is freaking great!

I can totally see this cover featured on a best-seller in any book store. Fantastic work, great composition, cohesive style.

I hope one day I’ll be able to create an awesome image like that.

Absolutely brilliant work!!! 5 stars from me.

Awesome! Congrats on the top row. :slight_smile:

THX all of you for nice comments :slight_smile:

this is really amazing! i love the details and your sense of colors. Congratulation!

Wonderful work! Congrats :slight_smile:
Is that Cycles renderer, or Octane>? Aslo i have another question. How you fix the issue of noise when there is no much light? Thank you in advance