Moving Along Normals easily ?

Hi, and happy new year to all.

I would like to have the ability to easily & quickly move some faces (or any selection in editmode).

By default, when in Global transformation mode, the G-Z-Z combination activates a movement in local mode.
It would be really great if Normal Mode was activated instead of Local.

I could, of course change the transformation mode to Normal, the hit GZZ, but … too much clicks !

So, is there a way to change the GZZ combination in the Global MOde .

Hope it’s clear.

No. Use alt+S instead.

Could be great but it also resize the selection.

A friend found the solution.
User prefs --> 3D view -> translate --> Orientation.
Now, when hitting GZZ or ZZ while tweaking, it moves along normal Z… or X, or Y.

Maybe you’ll find that usefull too.

Shrink/Fatten (since Nov 13) is context sensitive (in FaceMode it does what you want).
You have to be in FaceMode when you invoke it, use ALT key-modifier for correct transforms.