environmental texture- mirror ball

I need help on this mirror ball environmental texture deal.
I have this awesome texture that i d/led a while ago but never gotten a chance to use it.

when i try to use it in blender as an environmental texture, the preview seems great but on the actual render preview, it just renders a blue screen. I think the texture is too big or something?
I’m not too sure.

Thanks for the help

Make sure you’re not in orthographic view.

shoe nodes set up

and you must put your camera in the back center (back to front) or it wont work

I did a bug report on that a few months back!

happy bl

hi ricky,

what do you mean about shoe nodes?
i’m not terrible adept at using blender (still trying to learn this beast of a program) and still haven’t explored everything.

what is the nodes set up you used for this
there might be a mistake may be!

or if you can upload sample file so we can test it !

happy bl

I believe that he meant show nodes and not shoe nodes.

In other words, show your node setup for you environment material.

HAHHAHA that makes perfect sense. anyways, yea, the reason it didn’t work was it was in ortho mode… i should’ve followed the second poster’s suggestion instead of jumping the gun.