[Help!!] How do I use the Game Publishing Addon??

Hi im trying to export an .exe from my mac… I’ve been told that i need the right libs and DLLS… but i have no idea how to use them or find them… Please help!!

Ok I’ve just tested from linux to windows. And It worked!

  • First you have to activate the addon in the user preferences
  • Download Blender 2.73a .zip for windows 64 (for example)
  • Extract it
  • In the publishing addon settings:
  1. choose an output directory (a folder you create on your desktop for example)
  2. choose the extracted Blender 2.73a folder as the library path
  3. uncheck publish default platform
  4. add a new platform (+) and name it windows64 for example
  5. choose blenderplayer path (in 2.73a extracted folder there is a file named blenderplayer > choose it)
  6. click on publish platforms

And that’s it! (if you do not have external assets)

If you want I test your game, send it, and I’ll test it for you

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! i think it worked… i will send it to you to test it… it might take a minute