Vox bedroom

My latest work - created in one evening, so it’s not spectacular… yet I’m pretty happy with the result i got in such a short period of time :slight_smile: All comments are welcome!

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Very nice work. I like the painting and the closets

Very nice work, i am learning blender but this is what i want to make in the future. So when you have tips or good tutorials please let me know

The lighthin give good realisme.

Thanks guys :slight_smile:
Well hvanessen, if You are in need of good tutorials just go to Blender Cookie or Blenderguru.com … but prabobly You already know this :slight_smile: And if You need tips or helping hand from me - just write to me here or via email/facebook (although I’m not sure if I am the right person to give tips :stuck_out_tongue: )

Realy nice renders.

The only thing that is a little under the lvl of the rest of the element is the stone wall part that look flat, but all in all it’s very good.

Clean with a good mood, well done.
I guess you did not model/texture/etc everything in one evening, something was imported, am i right? Otherwise that means i’m really slow…

Thanks mik1190… No, You’re not slow. I’ve modeled/textured/etc room itself, all the furnitures, doors, windows curtains etc. The small things like basked, wall lights, PC, clock etc. were imported :slight_smile:

At the moment I am interested in developing my figure modelling and animation but whenever I see work as good as this it makes me want to try and do something similar! Fantastic work

Very nice! Great job. :slight_smile:

Very nice, it’s very believable!
Few notices:
Overall it is a little bit dark - the room has three big windows so in reality there would be plenty of light. I personaly don’t like overexposed interiors but this one seems little bit underexposed. But maybe there is a problem with a gamma setting of your monitor - do you calibrate (profile) your display?
I find the screen on the table a bit distracting. It is placed right in the golden section and it is the brightest spot in the room - it catches a lot of unnecesary attention. It would be much better if it would be off just like the TV.

Thanks maraCZ for the notices! Turning of the PC would be better I agree. I was going to do this, but to be honest… I forgot doing this :smiley: As for the exposure - can anyone else confirm this? 'Couse it’s pretty bright on my screen (or should I say extremely bright). Printed version was also fine - My screen is calibrated with plotter that I’m using.
AllanGange & ShadowCamero - thanks, I’m glad You like it :slight_smile:

If it is possible - I would like to know:
1-time of rendering per picture?
2-which rendering engine?
3-hardware (cpu or GPU?) on which did job?

Sure bnzs :slight_smile:
1.Render time -6hours on GPU with 2000 samples
2.Cycles (supported)
3.Geforce gtx 780OC 3GB

That’s so awesome!

This is really nice, especially for such a short period of time!

Is there any chance you wouldn’t mind explaining how you did the carpet, or offering the settings and screenshotting the mesh if it is anobject-particle? I am working on an interior scene that has berber carpet, and it just is not coming out properly. Your carpet would be wonderful in my scene, and perhaps I could even make it look more like berber.

Any held/advice you could offer would be SO helpful. I suppose a .blend file of the carpet is too much to ask! But, your carpet looks better than the youtube tutorials I have seen!
