Image Sequencer to Video - Vector graphics?

I trying to use Blender for a very unusual purpose:

To import several images, and render out a movie (boring detail :eyebrowlift2:: this is for Computational Fluid Dynamics calculations).

I have a another program (aimed at “scientific visualization”) that creates these instances in time for now, and it can export these images in several formats. Currently I’m just using a .png’s.

But ideally, it would be nice for me to use a vector image like .eps, because then I can tweak the images before making the movie. Tweaking the images in the scientific visualization program is extremely time consuming, so doing it to the outputted images would be a huge benefit.

So this is my question: is it possible to import .eps images into Blender, tweak it (eg. cropping, zooming, adding titles, annotations etc) then render out the movie?

Sorry if the post is obvious; I’m very fresh to Blender. Also, if anyone uses Blender for similar stuff, please get in touch!

Much appreciated :confused:

You can import SVG format vector art but I don’t know about EPS. Also the success of the shape filling can vary depending on the type of graphic.

I think that you create a new 3D object each time, so you would need to animate the visibility and render status via the Outliner view. You can keyframe those icons down the right hand side of the Outliner window.

Sounds like the thing you might want to script for ease of use as it could amount to lots of clicking.