How to cache scene render for the compositor?

In the compositor I am building a short animated scene out of several other scenes. One of these scenes has volumetric clouds and takes days to render several hundred frames. My other scenes all take a few seconds to render each. I would like to cache the cloud render so it doesn’t need to re-render each time I open the blender file.

I discovered how to cache a single frame render using Open EXR files as described here: This works great for a single frame but it uses a single image as the input in the compositor. I need an input that accepts a range of frames. I tried the Movie node but just get a black screen. Does anyone know if there is a way to feed a sequence of .exr files as input into the compositor?


Add / Input / Image node.
Instead of selecting a single image just select all the images of an image sequence


It works! This will save me so much time! Thanks!:slight_smile: