[Addon] Poly Tile 1.2

This is an addon to unwrap the selected polygons to tile based uv coordinates.
It only supports quad polygons.


Download: http://wiki.blender.org/uploads/5/5f/Poly_Tile_12.zip

Version 1.0

  • Original code.

Version 1.2

  • Added Origin and Border support.

Hi dirty-stick,
Could you explain us how/when it’s useful please?
Thks for sharing.


Well, I was trying to texture a road made from quads with a repeating pattern, some parts straight, some parts curved.
I couldnt find many tools to make uv mapping easier, so I made this one.
I select a road edge loop in face select mode, Alt+RMB, unwrap to tile, then set the road tile offset for the edge loop.

I guess its useful if people are using tile based sprite sheets.


Thanks for this explanations but you could show a road UV unwrapping and not a cube: clearer!
Explain all parameters in plus, please.
Do you know other add-ons exist: “Quad unwrap” de Keith Boshoff and “Tube UV Unwrap” de Jakub Uhlick.

It would be good to have a video or a tutorial, but I dont think im going to make one.

From what I see, the addons you mention dont do tile based uv mapping.
I use this for tile based uv mapping, like sprite sheets from a game.

Something like this for example.


Although im using it for roads, people may use it to uvmap other things.