Is it possible to change shortcuts on Mac to be same as on Windows?

Without changing it maually.

Which shortcuts specifically ? I don’t think there are many that use the Cmd key

Hmmm, it seems that I asked wrong question because I forgot that I have remapped keys. (to be exactly int the same place on keyboard as in Windows). So my Ctrl acts as Cmd (Cmd as Alt, Alt as Ctrl). Sorry for the confusion :confused:
The question should be: “Can I easily change all shortcuts that uses Ctrl to Cmd”.

Have you tried exporting the key config from a windows installation and imported it into an OSX installation

The question should be: “Can I easily change all shortcuts that uses Ctrl to Cmd”.

You can search the shortcut key bindings for CMD and then change them all to Ctrl but you will not know if there are any conflicts with other shortcuts that already are using the Ctrl modifier key combination, in which case one or more of the shortcuts may not work