We Are Castor - Grave (Official Musicvideo)

Hello Blenderartists,
I want to share this musicvideo we did for 4 moths with you. It is my first full 3D musicvideo, so I am curious about your thoughts on it.
Thank you and enjoy. :slight_smile:

Video: https://youtu.be/L6OfRmvZ-QM

I like it. There’s a surreal feel about the video. There’s a minimalist quality to the landscape and the characters, both of which work well.

Not really sure what’s suppose to be going on story wise, but there’s a magical quality to the story line which kept me watching to the end. Overall a nice job.

Lovely video, goes well with the music. I was a bit confused by some parts, like where the white character was surrounded by black characters and he hugs them…? I suppose it can be interpreted in many different ways, you can tell this was a very abstract film. Overall I enjoyed the video. Keep up the good work!