UV unwrapping question

how do i move around multiple uv edges/vertex etc? seems like i can only move one at a time

Just like you do in the 3d viewport, holding shift allows you to selected multiple verts/edges/faces in the UV editor window. You can then translate/rotate/scale these just as in the 3d view

trying it…doesnt seem to be working ><

just a question
how do i do this in blender?

as in when i move a uv vertex it will only move that uv not the vertex

like in maya or 3dmax where you move a uv vertex it will only move that uv

having an issue with blender it keeps moving the other uv attached to as well


how to apply another shader to another mesh

Sticky Selection options on UV?Image editor header

Also ensure you have proportional edition disabled (shortcut O to toggle on/off or icon on uv/image editor header) or using UV sculpting (Shortcut Q)

how to apply another shader to another mesh
Mesh or object ? Select object and create new material or select an existing material. Multiple materials on single object http://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/516/add-different-materials-to-different-parts-of-a-mesh