Quick way to seperate a massive amout of unconnected meshes?


Im currently faced with the following problem: For a project of mine I need to work with particle systems and export them as obj animations using the particle instancer. So far so good.

However, obviously if I export a particle system as an obj file, it will all be one object with lets says 2000 particles of individual meshes. My question is, is there a way to split all these particles into seperate objects? Because that might be favorable for my project. As in, is there a function that lets me select all of them in edit mode and then lets me hit something like “seperate all unconnected geometry” or something? Does Blender have an option like that?

I know about the “seperate” option when hitting P, however, I of course cant select every particle individually and seperate it because that would take up a practically impossible amout of time. So is there an option to do this in an automated way for unconnected geometry?

Alright, thanks for reading and looking forward to your replies!

Select all vertices and P / Separate Loose Parts
Then with all the new objects still selected in the Toolshelf set their Origin to Geometry

Oh god, how could I have missed that one.

Alright, seems like its super simple afterall! Thanks alot!