
Hello everyone.
I created a pie_menu for the text editor, in order to “automate” some orders.
This is a video (in french, sorry) to show you how the pie working.

I think i’ll put a shortuct for every punctuation because it’s not very convenient to enable an operator for using them.
I hope you’ll like it, don’t hesitate to test it and tell me if you need more info or hope for improvements.
Good blend for all :slight_smile:

Update of the pie menu.
I removed the custom punctuation tool from the pie to replace them by simple operator called by the shortcuts corresponding.
You will certainly have to change them according to your keyboard in the ini.py.

New update.
I improved the copy, cut and paste. They preserve them different indentation.
I also added the shorcuts for the copy (CTRL+C), cut (CTRL+X), paste (CTRL+V) and comment/uncomment (ALT+THREE)